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Death Watch Saber

Death Watch Saber

Regular price $136.36 USD
Regular price $235.00 USD Sale price $136.36 USD
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This blade evokes strength, power and prowess. Available with either Gold or Silver accents, this blade can either be used for heavy dueling, or can have upgrades to make it as elite as the Dark Sword itself.

The Basic RGB Baselit version comes with 12 blade colors, 16 sound fonts with different blade styles, ignition styles.

SN Pixel and SRGB Baselit comes with 27 customizable sound fonts, and 12 default colours. Connect to a special phone app to control the colors and sounds.

Proffie doesn't have bluetooth control but does have programmable effects with the SD card inside.

All versions of all sabers come standard with flash on clash, gesture ignition, smooth swing, saber lock effects and sounds, adjustable colors and removable battery and chassis.

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